Task: Listern to the sound file. You are negotiating delivery periods for machines you have ordered with the supplier. To help you with each answer you are given some information in the record script below and a number, which refers back to the Data file. Make up you own negotiating dialogue. Read it in the romm, or record on video.




Supplier Well, let’s get started. You know, with this delivery problem I’m sure there’s room for negotiation.


You (1: cautious) ______________________________________________________________________


Supplier Right, well this is how we see it. We can deliver the first machine in ten weeks, and install it four weeks after that.


You (3: long delivery period) ____________________________________________________________


Supplier Well, these are in fact the usual periods. It’s pretty normal in this kind of operation. Did you expect we could deliver any quicker?


You (2: 6 weeks maximum delivery; 4 weeks installation) ______________________________________


Supplier I see what you mean, but that would be very difficult. You see we have a lot of orders to handle at present, and moving just one of these machines is a major operation. Look, if I can promise you delivery in eight weeks, does that help?


You (4: too late) ______________________________________________________________________


Supplier Ah-ha! Well, look ... er ... You want the machine in six weeks.

Now that is really a very short deadline in this business. You said that you couldn’t take it any later, but couldn’t your engineers find a way to re-schedule just a little, say another week?


You (5: refuse) _______________________________________________________________________


Supplier Well, you really are asking us for something that is very difficult. I’ve already offered you seven weeks. I’ll have to consult with my colleagues and come back to you, but I can’t see what we can do.


You (6: if deliver in 6 weeks perhaps talk about further order) __________________________________


Supplier Well, on that basis I suppose we might be able to look at some kind of arrangement. In fact, if you can promise another order I think we could accept your terms.


You (7: 6 weeks delivery; 4 weeks installation; decision on next order by 26th of this month) __________


Supplier Exactly. If you could confirm this in writing I ...