Существительное в функции определения


Переведите словосочетания:


Вариант 1


1. the province of Britain;

2. the battle of Trafalgar;

3. the field of electricity and magnetism;

4. source of energy;

5. the Library of Congress complex on Capital Hill;


6. expansion of international trade;

7. sums of money;

8. the results of the examination

9. the development of science;

10. system of education;

11. field of study;


Вариант 2


1. New York University;

2. chemistry laboratory;

3. white marble James Madison Memorial building;

4. laptop computer;

5. gene engineering;


6. shape memory alloys;

7. cable TV;

8. multi-cylinder engine;

9. the environment protection square mile;

10 large-scale experimental work;

11. air and water pollution;

Вариант 3


1. government offices;

2. Moscow University;

3. Opera House;

4. workshop;

5. lab assistant;

6. computer center;

7. TV program;

8. the World Health Organization;

9. institutes of technology;

10. the theory of interaction of atmospheric and oceanic processes;

11. the City of London;