Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните глагольную форму на -ing. Определите, к какой части речи она относится. Переведите предложения на русский язык.


Упражнение a.


1. The landing of the space ship was effected by descending by parachute.

2. In the course of his training a candidate astronaut spends a great deal of time in a sealed cabin completely isolated from the outer world.

3. The energy produced by the splitting of the nucleus of an atom is called nuclear or atomic energy.

4. Automatic station made a soft landing on the Moon.

5. Everything must have a beginning.

6. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

7. Wisdom denotes the pursuing of the best end by the best means (F. Hutcheson).

8. By this definition the following is meant.


Упражнение b.


1. We obtained these values in terms of the following formula.

2. Swallow all your learning in the morning, but digest it in company in the evening (Ph. Chesterfield). 3. The problem, however, is in not dividing the structure finely enough.

4. Before starting the engine it is necessary to test the piping for leakage.

5. Inhibiting is preferable to drastic refining. 6. After all in sport what really counts is not the winning, but the playing.

7. The accumulated bulk of knowledge on how to run a business, provides deep understanding of the mechanism of business.

8. The theory also basically improves understanding of a queueing situation enabling better control.