Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните инфинитивные обороты. Переведите предложения на русский язык.


Вариант 1


1. The temperature in the centre of the sun is believed to be 15 mln degrees Centigrade.

2. We know gravity to act on every particle of a body.

3. The experiments have shown the electrons to be particles of negative electricity.

4. We know the Earth to be turning on its axis, moving around the Sun in its orbit.

5. We know the idea of space flights to have attracted the attention of people since the remotest times.

6. The laser beam seems to have almost unlimited indust­rial possibilities.

7. It is difficult for an astronaut to control a rocket flying at high speed.

8. He has often watched students doing this experiment.


Вариант 2


1. Millions of people saw on their TV screens Soviet cosmonaut Leonov fearlessly floating in open space.

2. The operator wanted his lathe repaired as soon as possible.

3. The loss of activity of the substance proved to have been only temporary.

4. An automatic drilling machine is reported to have increased   production more   than   550   per   cent.

5. Nearly a month is required for the Moon to circle the Earth.

6. The instrument is not likely to be damaged, if all rules are followed.

7. Time and again scholars have had to revise notions which seemed to be sound and self-evident.

8. The orbit of Mars turned out to be an ellipse.


Вариант 3


1. The internal energy appears to be connected with the configuration of the particles of which the atom is composed.

2. It is necessary for the beginner to get feel of the lifting force of the water.

3. Landing is certain to be the most difficult part of a flight to Venus, Mars and Mercury.

4. The conference discussed the problems which are said to be extremely important for designing new types of computers.

5. While learning to serve it is desirable for the player to take up a position directly back of the centre line.

6. The sellers offered the buyers 5,000 tons of oil, delivery to be made in October.

7. The buyers requested the sellers to keep them informed of the position of the vessel, the communications to be addressed to their agents.

8. More than 200,000 people had come to hear him speak in a town square, he said.


Вариант 4


1. I saw them play and I think they are a good team.

2. I'd love to watch Moses as he grew up and hear him speak to the Pharaoh.

3. Visitors can hear him play one of his instruments at a local cafe or a gallery opening.

4. You hear him play, and he never ceases to touch your heart.

5. I didn't hear him say his decision was based on a plan for victory.

6. It was amazing to see them come together to support their friend.

7. For best results, give these vines a place in the sun and watch them go.

8. As soon as I heard him scream, I knew something was wrong.


Вариант 5


1. I know this to be a fact because Bill Nicholson told me so himself in 1995.

2. I work there, I know this to be a fact.

3. I consider this to be the greatest fraud ever perpe trated on the American people by their government.

4. I consider this to be very significant.

5. I consider this to be largely a myth.

6. I believe this to be true and have experienced this with my own family.

7. The New York Times now charges but I find it to be a charge worth paying.

8. They expected me to go to a good school and get a job at Mitsubishi or something like that.


Вариант 6


1. In June the WHO declared this outbreak to be the first pandemic in more than 40 years.

2. He ordered them to surrender their property and leave Medina within ten days.

3. They allowed The Washington Post to view internal documents about the case.

4. She allowed her daughter to choose whatever sport, game or hobby she so desired.

5. She ordered him to wear an electronic monitoring device and to surrender his passport.

6. They forced him to get drunk, put him in a car and set it on fire.

7.They forced him to resign.

8. She got him to wear the helmet.


Вариант 7


1. I think they expected me to congratulate them.

2. The police believed him to be a threat to himself and others.

3. I felt my fingertips go cold.

4. When I listen to music, I like it to be loud.

5. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in still water - salty or fresh - and they like it to be near where there is nice human or animal blood.

6. He was made to do things he had not been trained or prepared for.

7. Employees seem to prefer working at home in areas where it's either cold or wet.

8. A distance-learning course seemed to be the best way to combine work with study.