Переведите предложения на русский язык.


Вариант 1


1.     He failed for want of foresight.

2.     The engine failed unexpectedly.

3.     We failed to arrive in time.

4.     He couldn’t account for his foolish mistake.

5.     I cannot account for his behavior.

6.     You must take into account the boy’s long illness.

7.     I refuse to deal with him.

8.     He is easy to deal with.


Вариант 2


1.     He caused the letter to be sent.

2.      He caused me to go.

3.      I can’t make you come if you refuse.

4.      I referred to the document quoted to Vol. 6, page 113.

5.      He several times referred to the increase in expenditure.

6.      Whom are you referring to?

7.      Digital video disc player hereinafter referred to as unit is a complicated digital device.

8.      Heavy reins resulted in flood.


Вариант 3


1.      The talks have resulted in a lessening of tension.

2.      Nothing has resulted from my efforts.

3.      The goal resulted from a misunderstanding between two defenders.

4.      I am provided with everything I need.

5.      The Far East regions are well provided for coal this year.

6.      In my plans for the journey, I have provided for possible accidents.

7.      In new houses provision is made for fringes installation.