Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните only, since, yet и either и определите их функцию. Переведите предложения на русский язык:


1. Under a fixed procedure of welding these two latter factors are the only ones under which the welding operator has control.

2. There remain only five cases to be considered in this analytic study.

3. To enumerate the names to indi­cate the truth of this statement is the only thing to do.

4. Where the contract provides for shipment to different ports, such margin shall only apply to the quantity by the last vessel.

5. Since the electrons in the wire constitute the current flow they will certainly tend to flow from the point of lower potential toward that of higher potential.

6. Since the unit of potential is called a volt, potential itself is quite often called "voltage".

7. In general they are likely to be fairly close to the actual values, but since plant designs differ con­siderably, there may occasionally be quite wide deviations.

8. Since concrete is especially advantageous in resisting compression its use is more desirable for columns and walls than for long beams.

9. An electrical interlock is provided to ensure that if the plug at either end of the trailing cable is withdrawn, the panel will trip.