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1. The problems that confront the operator of a diffusion plant are essentially the same as those met by any operator.

2. This fact suggested the idea that the electron possesses only "electromagnetic mass".

3. It was one of the questions that the commission had to settle before start­ing new experiments in this field.

4. It is necessary that the heat developed should be used by conducting the hot air to a gas turbine.

5. It took an incredible time in cutting down some of the largest timber trees.

6. But in a piece of timber, whether this be used for a table top or a beam, the radial and still more the tangential shrinkage is of the utmost importance.

7. Instruments based on this principle have been described, but the method now universally employed in accurate work is an electrical method.

8. Nothing but a double row of ball bearings can improve the machine.




1. But the table, though filled up, was to be extended by the addition of other elements unpredicted by Mendeleyev.

2. An electric charge of the same kind as that produced on glass rubbed with silk is called a positive charge either.

3. If we divide the molecule of water into smaller particles, these particles are no longer water but either oxygen or hydrogen.

4. The question of the gauge to be adopted was not yet definitely settled.

5. Yet occasionally such important operations are delegated to unskilled, inefficient workmen.

6. During the years of the prewar Five Year Plans the Urals became one of the most important industrial region of the country.

7. So little is the world that one cannot keep away from persons.

8. Last summer I read many English books, and my friend read some French ones.