Переведите предложения на русский язык

Вариант 1

1. It doesn’t do to be too curious or inquisitive.

2. Our desires for what we do not have keep us from enjoying what we do have.

3. The book does not simply discuss what you must do, but gives you effective tools for how to do it.

4. Every force does its own job no matter how many other forces are acting.

5. The fact that the theory does not fail in some other cases is irrelevant.

6. It does indeed lead to problems.

7. People would agree that education has something to do with economic growth.

8. The difficulty has nothing to do with these changes.

Вариант 2

1. More education does not necessarily mean faster growth. In general, however, it probably does.

2. The first argument relies as it does on these assumptions.

3. The labor market does not work perfectly.

4. It cannot be done satisfactorily.

5. Only then did it work perfectly.

6. The investigation does, however, illustrate two basic approaches to the problem.

7. We do not possess any accurate under standing of cause and effect. Nor do we know how to evaluate the performance of the system.

8. These effects can be done away with the help of the new model.