Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните придаточные определительные. Переведите предложения на русский язык:




1. Life has a purpose that must be fought for.

2. A man is known by the company he keeps.

3. Everything comes to him who knows how to wait.

4. It all has something to do with the way he was brought up.

5. There are some infinite numbers which are larger than any number we can possibly write no matter how long we work.

6. This is the only way by which we can distinguish which of the two events came first.

7. Most laboratories have small machines which are being used for demonstration purposes.

8. Turner in all probability was the most imaginative artist England has ever produced.




1. A new approach is being advanced that amateurs should take a look at.

2. This paper addresses the objectives a requirements document ought to meet.

3. The characteristics we are in­terested in are shape and size.

4. Every task a computer does must be programmed.

5. People often view problems the way they want to view them.

6. This question will be taken up in Chapter 6 where the whole subject of the measurement will be discussed.

7. The only thing that matters is purity of the starting material.

8. There is no particular reason why this should be so.