Incorporated as a city in 1869, Seattle is a city of water. Seattle is located between Puget Sound and Lake Washington, and situated on a series of hills. Seattle is closely identified with the 185-meter-high Space Needle, built for the 1962 World’s Fair.

The Seattle Center is a showplace of cultural institutions and a city of parks and recreation. Because of its very high annual rainfall, Seattle is a green city.  It  provides  many  opportunities for enjoying nature: walking, boating, riding, visiting gardens, and many other relaxing occupations.

It’s a pleasure to simply walk Seattle’s streets and to enjoy its interesting architecture and old buildings. Seattle still has a street-car system, and riding on them is a fun way to see much of the city.

You will often see street performers, colorful vendors, and the city’s citizens enjoying Seattle’s many attractions. You’ll enjoy looking at Seattle’s many fountains.

Most of all, you’ll enjoy life along the waterfront. Visit Seattle’s many fish and seafood markets and dine in some of its excellent seafood restaurants. Take boat rides and enjoy views of the city from the water. You’ll be thrilled by the sight of Mount Ranier, part of the Cascade Range of mountains.

Your visit to America will be enhanced a stop in Seattle, a beautiful, gentle, and hospitable city.


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